Monday, August 31, 2009

Reflection Week 8

September, 1, morning: Raining cats & dogs!

It's a slow start today, with the cold + damp=cozy weather. It's as if everyone was affected by the weather and was working in slow motion. People are late for class, those who are in class looked groggily, and the progress of class was obstructed by lots of trivial occurrences regarding our assigned assignments.
Ma'am was really upset with the situation as everything is NOT going according to plans. However, though upset, i've observed that she didnt really complain too much, instead, she quickly looked for solutions to solve the problems.

This situation really reminded me that anything could happen in a class. The teacher has to be very receptive to emergency or chaotic situations, at the same time, resourceful enough to handle and solve the problems arisen. Thus, classroom management is as important as the deliverance of lessons.

Of course, it also reminded us as students to listen to instructions in order to ensure all efforts to accomplish tasks or assignments are not futile. We should be responsible enough to inform and be informed with regards to our 'duties'.
Let's all be responsible students!

Although not much solid input has been executed today, i felt i've learnt a whole lot from the incidents that occured. As the saying goes 'mistakes are meant to be learnt'. Whether we're the source of problems, or the victim of problems, it's all part of life and experiences. So live, and let live!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Reflection Week 7

"Without music, life is a journey through a desert" (Pat Conroy)

This week's lecture/class clearly reflects what Conroy has stated above. Music plays a huge role in our lives, and without it, our lives would be that much less colourful and interesting.

The class started off with a lecture by Pn Foziah entitled 'Audio Editing'. From her lecture, i've learnt that audio editing not only helps us correct glitches, create smoother intros and outros, fix accidents, but as a whole, gives us a better audio experience. Ma'am also mentioned that the skill of audio editing is highly sought after by radio stations. (does this mean i can work in a radio station after i master audio editing? tsk-tsk-tsk =p)

However, Ma'am reminded all of us that everyone could edit audios, but creating great sound editing requires 3 essential things: tools, skills and art. Without any one of the things mentioned could lessen the quality of our audio creation or product.

Besides that, Ma'am brought us back inn history to review how tedious it was for people back then to edit audios as they do not have technology to assist them. Softwares like Audiocity now makes our life so much more easier, enriching our experience with all kinds of audio editing functions available within the softwares.

Last but not least, the most important highlight that caught my attention was this phrase on the last slide of Ma'am's slide: 'Be smart and BACKUP your files!!'. Thanks for the great reminder Ma'am, and i'm looking forward to tackling those tasks you've set for us!

So till the next week, good luck to all in attempting your tasks & do take care during this season of H1N1 flu epidemic!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Reflection Week 6

Hi people! It's already week 6, nearly half of the semester has passed us by! *gasps*

Time really flies, and before we know it, the semester break is beckoning us to forget all of our worries (read: homework & assignments) for the time being and really have a break from the learning routine.

Right, back onto the track of reflecting today's class. Before starting her lecture, Pn Foziah reminded us not to skip class (referring to ME, but i was truly unwell and did not get an MC from the doctor =P), and to hand in our work in time (referring to the FxFoto task). Oh, btw, FxFoto's reallly fun! Thanks for exposing us to the software ma'am! =)

So, okay we upset ma'am, and we're truly SORRY!~ we didnt know you had a bad morning and i'm sure we just need some 'pushing' at times, but generally, we're good kids ma'am! =P Through this incident, we can see how the interaction of the teacher and learner affects the overall classroom atmosphere. I'm glad to be in Pn Foziah's class as she does not distance ourselves from us, and is completely open about her feelings with us. She sets a good example for us to follow when are handling our classrooms in the future.

To carry on, Pn Foziah presented a lecture regarding e-book. It was a informative lecture which brought us down memory lane as we reminiscence the stories we've heard or read during our childhood years. There were important factors to consider when creating an e-book for children, for example the characters, setting, plot, theme, as well as the components of the book.

As we're to create with our individual e-books, i'm looking forward to the exploration phase as well as the product stage where i would be able to share my product with my friends as well as learn from their products. All the best everyone!

Till we meet again after the semester break (yahoo!), take care of yourselves and be back refreshed and in one piece to face the second part of our semester! =)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Reflection Week 5

Hello again to all fellowe readers! After last week's absence, i'm truly glad to be back to resources class once again! =) It was a phenomenal start this week as we were greeted with a very loud noise..

Yeah, so the fire bell was ringing annoyingly and all of us were trying to ignore it =P But lastly, Pn Foziah 'ordered' us to evacuate the building, or else we'll get burned! Then it dawned to me that there'll be a fire drill demonstration!

Contradictly, we did not evacuate the building as portrayed in the image above.. some of us used the lift (hey, big no-no during a real fire!), while most of us were 'swaying' our way down the stairs, chat-chatting and taking our own sweet time. (bad bad example i know =P)

The scene was almost like the one depicted above, but the funny thing was, i saw some girls started to open up their umbrellas while the firemen were demonstrating. Imagine, opening your umbrellas during a real fire.. Amusing!

However light i try to put things, i knew deep down in my heart that some time in the future, i'd be the one explaining to my students how to evacuate a fire safely, how to use the fire extinguisher and things to be aware of in case a fire happens.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Fire drills aside, we were back in our computer lab to start the week's work. This week, we were assigned to work in groups of 6-7 for assignment 3: coming up with technology teaching aids related to the KBSR curriculum.

I'm working with a fun bunch of people: Firdaus (our leader!), Taufiq, Fafa, Riena, Syima & Dhaya. We divided the types of teaching aids and i got 'edited pictures'. I believe that there's much room for this kind of teaching aid in current teaching and learning processes.

With technology so widespread and common nowadays, we must catch up with the trend and adapt and apply all kinds of teaching methods and strategies that involve technology in order to fulfill the needs of our learners.

p/s: oh, guess what, Pn Foziah just told us that we're FORBIDDEN to use any pictures/videos that has SNAKES! haha, Puan's is snake phobic.. poor Puan. Ssssssss.. =P