Monday, August 31, 2009

Reflection Week 8

September, 1, morning: Raining cats & dogs!

It's a slow start today, with the cold + damp=cozy weather. It's as if everyone was affected by the weather and was working in slow motion. People are late for class, those who are in class looked groggily, and the progress of class was obstructed by lots of trivial occurrences regarding our assigned assignments.
Ma'am was really upset with the situation as everything is NOT going according to plans. However, though upset, i've observed that she didnt really complain too much, instead, she quickly looked for solutions to solve the problems.

This situation really reminded me that anything could happen in a class. The teacher has to be very receptive to emergency or chaotic situations, at the same time, resourceful enough to handle and solve the problems arisen. Thus, classroom management is as important as the deliverance of lessons.

Of course, it also reminded us as students to listen to instructions in order to ensure all efforts to accomplish tasks or assignments are not futile. We should be responsible enough to inform and be informed with regards to our 'duties'.
Let's all be responsible students!

Although not much solid input has been executed today, i felt i've learnt a whole lot from the incidents that occured. As the saying goes 'mistakes are meant to be learnt'. Whether we're the source of problems, or the victim of problems, it's all part of life and experiences. So live, and let live!

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