Monday, September 7, 2009

Reflection Week 9

Today in class, we were shown several interesting videos from youtube. It was an attractive set induction for the class today as we were glued to the screen, enjoying the scenes flashing before our eyes.

It was after the enjoyment that we were brought back to reality with the instruction to come out with a video production in pairs. Since this is not the first time we were required to crank our creative juices for a video production, we were not quite 'alarmed' by the prospect of being 'directors'. Anyhow, uni life is all about learning through exploring, right?

Together, my partner Fendy and I came up with the initial idea themed 'food and people'. Our idea branched out food from different states in Malaysia, and how these food bring people together.

However, after consulting Pn Foziah with our idea, she guided us to a clearer pathway - Unity in Malaysia through Food. She adviced us to focus more on the issue of unity among the different races in Malaysia, and how food plays a partial role in it.

Our task now is to come out with storyboard next week to show our idea to everyone. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to work on our storyboard, coming with interesting ideas to portray our theme in our video.

Thus, it's time to explore, discover & learn! More of our progress next week.. till then, See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hey jong..yeah i really i agree with u "uni life is all about learning thru exploring!" let's explore video production this time around...K,all the best in your video making!C ya!
