Monday, September 14, 2009

Reflection Week 10

Today was quite a day! To start off, we had 5 presentations, all in regards to integrating technology with learning. The titles presented are as follow:

1. Use of technology in teaching & learning (Pushpa Dixit)
2. Brave new digital classroom (Robert J. Blake)
3. Technology profesional development for teachers
4. Internet, technology & teachers
5. Educators and the internet: a case study (Lynne Schrum)

From the presentations i've learnt that integration of technology is absolutely possible, if not crucial for the teaching and learning today. However, to successfully deliver our lessons with the integration of technology requires a great deal of preparation, equipping, suitable pedagogy, as well as the acceptance of learners towards the programme.

To put it simply, teachers today have to be flexible and humble enough to pick up new teaching strategies to cater to the demanding learners. Without doing so, learners with varied learning style would not benefit from the teaching and learning processes.

The next segment of the class was video consultation with Pn Foziah. We showed ma'am our progress of storyboards and had further guidance and advice from ma'am to continue with the prodcution of our video clips.

As for me and my partner, Fendy, we evolved our initial theme of food and racial unity into plainly racial unity. With this simple message, we sought inspiration from a tv commercial by TMnet entitled 'As 1 We Care', as shown below:

As to how we are going to adapt the video and how we are going to present it in our video is for us to know and for you to find out when we are done with our video shoot ;)

While anticipating for our video, i'd like take this opportunity to wish every one of my Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya, maaf Zahir dan Batin. Enjoy yourselves during the festive season and see you in two weeks time!

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