Monday, October 5, 2009

Reflection Week 11

Oh no! This week Ma'am Foziah came in sick. Too add oild to fire, there were little little things like people coming in late, slow responses and so on, making the class atmosphere very tensed =(

Since we from the tuesday group joined the thursday class, the class was almost chaotic with the noise level. Despite of that, the class got on with the thursday class presentations regarding the articles assigned by Ma'am.

When the presentations were done, we thought we could finally break away from the tensed atmosphere. But lo and behold, there're more waiting for us to endure.

Firdaus, our classs rep, suddenly asked us if we remembered that we have an assignment dued on the 15th of October, two weeks from now. Of course, all of us were shocked as we totally forgot about the assignment!

Thus, chaos broke out once again as 'lost' groupmates looked for each other, questions were raised regarding what we should do for the assignment etc. While doreen took up the brave responsibility to coordinated the whole situation.

And so, after an hour or so of discussion and clarification, we got back in our groups, discussed about the assignment task for assignment 2, as well as divided ourselves into another group for assignment 3.

Though the process was nerve-wrecking and tensed, i was gald everything was accomplished by the end of the class. Special thanks our gracious lecturer and class rep for the reminder, my groupmates for their cooperaiton, as well as everyone for making things go smoothly as they were.

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