Monday, August 24, 2009

Reflection Week 7

"Without music, life is a journey through a desert" (Pat Conroy)

This week's lecture/class clearly reflects what Conroy has stated above. Music plays a huge role in our lives, and without it, our lives would be that much less colourful and interesting.

The class started off with a lecture by Pn Foziah entitled 'Audio Editing'. From her lecture, i've learnt that audio editing not only helps us correct glitches, create smoother intros and outros, fix accidents, but as a whole, gives us a better audio experience. Ma'am also mentioned that the skill of audio editing is highly sought after by radio stations. (does this mean i can work in a radio station after i master audio editing? tsk-tsk-tsk =p)

However, Ma'am reminded all of us that everyone could edit audios, but creating great sound editing requires 3 essential things: tools, skills and art. Without any one of the things mentioned could lessen the quality of our audio creation or product.

Besides that, Ma'am brought us back inn history to review how tedious it was for people back then to edit audios as they do not have technology to assist them. Softwares like Audiocity now makes our life so much more easier, enriching our experience with all kinds of audio editing functions available within the softwares.

Last but not least, the most important highlight that caught my attention was this phrase on the last slide of Ma'am's slide: 'Be smart and BACKUP your files!!'. Thanks for the great reminder Ma'am, and i'm looking forward to tackling those tasks you've set for us!

So till the next week, good luck to all in attempting your tasks & do take care during this season of H1N1 flu epidemic!

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