Monday, August 10, 2009

Reflection Week 6

Hi people! It's already week 6, nearly half of the semester has passed us by! *gasps*

Time really flies, and before we know it, the semester break is beckoning us to forget all of our worries (read: homework & assignments) for the time being and really have a break from the learning routine.

Right, back onto the track of reflecting today's class. Before starting her lecture, Pn Foziah reminded us not to skip class (referring to ME, but i was truly unwell and did not get an MC from the doctor =P), and to hand in our work in time (referring to the FxFoto task). Oh, btw, FxFoto's reallly fun! Thanks for exposing us to the software ma'am! =)

So, okay we upset ma'am, and we're truly SORRY!~ we didnt know you had a bad morning and i'm sure we just need some 'pushing' at times, but generally, we're good kids ma'am! =P Through this incident, we can see how the interaction of the teacher and learner affects the overall classroom atmosphere. I'm glad to be in Pn Foziah's class as she does not distance ourselves from us, and is completely open about her feelings with us. She sets a good example for us to follow when are handling our classrooms in the future.

To carry on, Pn Foziah presented a lecture regarding e-book. It was a informative lecture which brought us down memory lane as we reminiscence the stories we've heard or read during our childhood years. There were important factors to consider when creating an e-book for children, for example the characters, setting, plot, theme, as well as the components of the book.

As we're to create with our individual e-books, i'm looking forward to the exploration phase as well as the product stage where i would be able to share my product with my friends as well as learn from their products. All the best everyone!

Till we meet again after the semester break (yahoo!), take care of yourselves and be back refreshed and in one piece to face the second part of our semester! =)

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