Monday, August 3, 2009

Reflection Week 5

Hello again to all fellowe readers! After last week's absence, i'm truly glad to be back to resources class once again! =) It was a phenomenal start this week as we were greeted with a very loud noise..

Yeah, so the fire bell was ringing annoyingly and all of us were trying to ignore it =P But lastly, Pn Foziah 'ordered' us to evacuate the building, or else we'll get burned! Then it dawned to me that there'll be a fire drill demonstration!

Contradictly, we did not evacuate the building as portrayed in the image above.. some of us used the lift (hey, big no-no during a real fire!), while most of us were 'swaying' our way down the stairs, chat-chatting and taking our own sweet time. (bad bad example i know =P)

The scene was almost like the one depicted above, but the funny thing was, i saw some girls started to open up their umbrellas while the firemen were demonstrating. Imagine, opening your umbrellas during a real fire.. Amusing!

However light i try to put things, i knew deep down in my heart that some time in the future, i'd be the one explaining to my students how to evacuate a fire safely, how to use the fire extinguisher and things to be aware of in case a fire happens.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Fire drills aside, we were back in our computer lab to start the week's work. This week, we were assigned to work in groups of 6-7 for assignment 3: coming up with technology teaching aids related to the KBSR curriculum.

I'm working with a fun bunch of people: Firdaus (our leader!), Taufiq, Fafa, Riena, Syima & Dhaya. We divided the types of teaching aids and i got 'edited pictures'. I believe that there's much room for this kind of teaching aid in current teaching and learning processes.

With technology so widespread and common nowadays, we must catch up with the trend and adapt and apply all kinds of teaching methods and strategies that involve technology in order to fulfill the needs of our learners.

p/s: oh, guess what, Pn Foziah just told us that we're FORBIDDEN to use any pictures/videos that has SNAKES! haha, Puan's is snake phobic.. poor Puan. Ssssssss.. =P


  1. Haha..yes, I agree that there are a lot of rooms for us to explore in this technology world..As for the fire drill, I can imagine us instructing our pupils to evacuate and save themselves during the fire drill. Now we laughed at the firemen, who knows we'll be the one demonstrating to our pupils how to use a fire extinguisher! Haha, and you know what.. I don't think I have the energy to even lift the extinguisher! Wahahaha

  2. Yeah jong..i think most of us were in "slow motion" as the fire alarm rang..we were simply taking our own sweet time moving about..hehe..(including me also laa)
    Anyways, like you said "there's much room for this kind of teaching aid in current teaching and learning processes", whereby the intergration of IT is indeed a crucial aspect to be considered in the development and creation of the teaching aids especially in this 21st century.
    Well, till then..good luck jong!have a nice day

  3. LoL bguat!!
    i'm sure you can.. there'll come a time where 'desperate times call for desperate measures'.. tho, i pray that we'll never have to face such dangerous times! =)

    your comment's so formal.. like essay! LoL! =P
