Saturday, October 24, 2009

Reflection Week 15

Hello everyone! It's the last blog and i cant help to feel NOSTALGIC albeit the immense RELIEF!

This last blog is an OVERALL REFLECTION regarding our course, helping us to improve on the things that needs more effort on, and to keep up the efforts that were beneficial.

First of all, blogging has been a good REFLECTOR for me personally. It helps me sum up what i have learnt during a partcular lesson during the week. The blog also acts as an FILE STORAGE where i can always look back and look for whatever is useful for me in the posts written.

The downside however, is the EFFORT required to put in to write a blog post. At times when my hearts' desire is in contrary with my mind, i have a difficult time to push myself to write a blog post as i do not want my post to end up like an essay, ready to be marked by the teacher.

Blogging has helped me in terms of my LANGUAGE SKILLS-where i would always double-check my spellings and sentence structures, CRITICAL THINKING-where i get to internalize the input given during the lesson, as well as TECHNOLOGY SKILLS-where i would include videos and pictures into my post to make it more interesting.

As for the course itself, it has provided much input regarding KNOWING and PREPARING the resources for use in ESL classrooms. I like this course as it is truly relevant to our profession as a primary school teacher. It exposes us to practical TEACHING AIDS that could be beneficial in classrooms as well as how to put the teaching aids into full use.

Though there are no tests or quizzes for this course, the ASSIGNMENTS were truly in the amount that just about exceed our capabilities! It did not help that most of the assignments were assigned nearing the end of the semester and that the due dates are well after our exams. It would benefit us alot if the assignments were evenly distributed along the whole semester.

Overall, my COMPUTING and TECHNOLOGICAL SKILLS before taking up this course may be at the scale of 3 to 4. However, after immersing myself in the techno-world so to speak for the whole semester, i felt that the scale has increased from a mere 3 or 4 to at least an 8 thanks to Ma'am Foziah and coursemates.

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