Monday, October 19, 2009

Reflection Week 14

It's the last week of classes! Gosh that reality hit like a slap when Ma'am mentioned that she forgot to bring her camera to snap some shots before each of us go our separate ways =')

In spite of the fact that it's the last resources class for us all, the workload still continues, well after our exams in fact. So far we have assignment 3 (lesson plan), assignment 4 (portfolio), as well as a special blog post awaiting us to complete all before the 9th of November, 2009.

The fact that we have so much to accomplish in such a short period of time reminds us all of the importance of good time management. With the exams coming hot on our heels, it is impossible for us to have the luxury to slack back or procrastinate any longer.

The only consequence that we will face would be a harsh one: heartbreak and a very very bad dent on our results! Thus, to avoid these to happen, you bet i'm going to try my best to plan things out, attempt to finish them all, and admist the seemingly impossible tasks, find time for revision!

All the best to my comrades out there! Thanks to Ma'am for a resourceful semester and all that you've offered us. Till then, God bless and good bye!~

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