Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reflection Week 4

First of all, my sincere apologies to Pn Foziah for not attending her class this week due to sudden high fever (even tho i went to the doctor, and came back with medication!).. I'm sorry i missed her class without proper documents, so it's my bad =P

So, from what i heard from my friends, we were supposed to continue creating our list of tutorials in Word as well as in PowerPoint. Guess i have to catch up on that 'cause it's all going to due next week! Other than that, to me it was a pretty uneventful week for resources class.

Anyhow, looking forward to new challenges coming ahead. Till then, ciao! =)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reflection Week 3

Ahhh, another week has passed and now we've entered into the third week of the semester. Honestly speaking, i feel kind of 'out' this week. It has been too eventful a weekend for me, resulting in lack of sleep and thus, the lack of alertness in classess.

However, thanks to Pn Foziah, our resources class started off with something light: Creating a step by step tutorial on how to find and download Mp3s. As i'm not a music fan and seldom download things off from the net, the procedure was quite new to me.

After a rough start, and lots of asking around, i finally found my way on how to create the tutorial. Upon finishing that particular task, we were surprised with MORE simliar tasks.. which we are to finish up in two weeks time, without Pn Foziah assistance, unfortunately. Anyhow, i'm sure with determination and with 'say-yes' attitude, i'm sure i could handle those task with the help of my friends!

In my opinion, tutorials are made for learners so that they could follow a step by step procedure in attmepting to manipulate certain tasks i.e. download a picture, download a mp3, search for certain articles etc. With the guidance of tutorials, learners can easily identify which steps they are to proceed to, or identify which steps they could not manage, and can request for assistance from their teacher. Tutorials can save alot of trouble for teachers as he/she would not need to keep on repeating the instruction over and over again because learners can refer to the tutorials by themselves.

To conclude, a teacher must be skilled and knowledgeable enough in this field in order to be able to transfer their skills and knowledge to the learners. Therefore, i am determined to acquire as much experience as i can for the following two weeks so as to improve myself wherever i'm lacking in.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Reflection Week 2

Hola to all! This is my second class of resources in the second week in UM! Since we have an hour more left for this class, i guess it's time for me to reflect upon what we have been doing for the last two hours.

Once again, the computer and the internet has been fully utilised by all the moment we sat down infront of the computer. We were required to read up on an article given out by our lecturer, Pn Foziah entitled 'Working with Young Language Learners' by Judy Herr (i think). We were assigned to read up and come up with a power point presentation later on in the class.

The subtopic our group covered was 'the instinct for interaction and talk'. It gave us much insight that children's innate nature to talk actually work as an advantage for us as teachers in the primary language classroom. Our only mission is to ensure that what the children 'talk' about is relevant and appropriate according to the language they are acquiring. Let me qoute the sentence from the paragraph that speaks to my heart: '... make sure that the desire to talk is working for learning and not against learning'.

Then, Pn Foziah had some housekeeping task for us, which is to fill up a module oreintation. Filling up that form (it was about SIX pages, if i'm not mistaken!) made me realised that there are so many things regarding technology resources that i have yet to learn, let alone master. Thus, it serves as a reminder for me to keep up to date regarding these issues and fields that would be very useful for my future career as a teacher.

Yet again, this class has proven to me that besides the usual teaching materials used in the language classroom (i.e. text book, word cards, picture cards etc.) there are a vast variety of resources to be discovered through this course. Signing out for now, ciao!

p/s: just got our new book! i loooove the smell of new books! (weird, i know, but that's me! =P)

Monday, July 6, 2009

first class in pbey 3102!

hello world! yours truly is currently in UM, in a computer lab named MK2, opening a BLOG! no, it's not a personal blog, but it's a blog for the class i'm attending! How cool is that!

the class i'm attending is named developing resources for the ESL classroom, and it's way cool! our very first task is to open a blog where we are to share our thoughts with our lecturer, coursemates, and actually anyone in particular i guess.

ok, time for a little reflection since the main purpose of this blog is for reflection. so far, the class has started off quite well, with me sitting in the very first row, next to the air con which is making me very cold at the moment!

i had an instant liking to our lecturer, mdm foziah, who just reminds me of our coordinator/head of department back in college, who is very motherly. she made sure we were well settled, stating out some ground rules, and basically making me feel very comfortable.

i dont want to start a grandmother story here, so to conclude, i'm just looking forward to more from this course in the future. resources here i come!