Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reflection Week 3

Ahhh, another week has passed and now we've entered into the third week of the semester. Honestly speaking, i feel kind of 'out' this week. It has been too eventful a weekend for me, resulting in lack of sleep and thus, the lack of alertness in classess.

However, thanks to Pn Foziah, our resources class started off with something light: Creating a step by step tutorial on how to find and download Mp3s. As i'm not a music fan and seldom download things off from the net, the procedure was quite new to me.

After a rough start, and lots of asking around, i finally found my way on how to create the tutorial. Upon finishing that particular task, we were surprised with MORE simliar tasks.. which we are to finish up in two weeks time, without Pn Foziah assistance, unfortunately. Anyhow, i'm sure with determination and with 'say-yes' attitude, i'm sure i could handle those task with the help of my friends!

In my opinion, tutorials are made for learners so that they could follow a step by step procedure in attmepting to manipulate certain tasks i.e. download a picture, download a mp3, search for certain articles etc. With the guidance of tutorials, learners can easily identify which steps they are to proceed to, or identify which steps they could not manage, and can request for assistance from their teacher. Tutorials can save alot of trouble for teachers as he/she would not need to keep on repeating the instruction over and over again because learners can refer to the tutorials by themselves.

To conclude, a teacher must be skilled and knowledgeable enough in this field in order to be able to transfer their skills and knowledge to the learners. Therefore, i am determined to acquire as much experience as i can for the following two weeks so as to improve myself wherever i'm lacking in.

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