Monday, July 6, 2009

first class in pbey 3102!

hello world! yours truly is currently in UM, in a computer lab named MK2, opening a BLOG! no, it's not a personal blog, but it's a blog for the class i'm attending! How cool is that!

the class i'm attending is named developing resources for the ESL classroom, and it's way cool! our very first task is to open a blog where we are to share our thoughts with our lecturer, coursemates, and actually anyone in particular i guess.

ok, time for a little reflection since the main purpose of this blog is for reflection. so far, the class has started off quite well, with me sitting in the very first row, next to the air con which is making me very cold at the moment!

i had an instant liking to our lecturer, mdm foziah, who just reminds me of our coordinator/head of department back in college, who is very motherly. she made sure we were well settled, stating out some ground rules, and basically making me feel very comfortable.

i dont want to start a grandmother story here, so to conclude, i'm just looking forward to more from this course in the future. resources here i come!

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